Really, have I slept at all? I don't think I have much, I have been both busy and excited...resulting in a very challenging sleep pattern.
The girls all began school this week and are really loving it! Avery is at a friend's house tonight, her first sleep over since moving, very big thing in the life of a 5th grader. I'm so proud of her making new friends so quickly and adjusting so well. Poor girl having to move SO many times at such a young age, I really hope she can stay in this school district for a long time, ideally graduation. :o)
News in my life is that I was recently promoted, so that's been super exciting! I am so thrilled because I love the team I work with, adore the atmosphere, and thoroughly enjoy the new tasks.
We hosted something special and the planning and event itself kept me hopping. It turned out perfectly. I only wish I had been able to take pictures to share on here. Just have to take my word for it, it was amazing. Candy for the eye to be sure.
I'm really working to build clientele in the new area, and then I will hopefully be able to share pictures with you all again. I miss shooting SOOOO much! My photography took a back seat all summer to my surgery and recovery, but now I feel ready to jump back in!