Monday, April 6, 2020

{ stepping out, stepping around } - yogi. mover. writer. mama. austin, tx

A couple of years ago I got certified in a new style of yoga and although I haven't done much in the realm of teaching this style yoga, it has broadened my personal practice and piqued my interest in new methods of movement and strength building. This was especially true when I broke my foot in 2018, it was the only way I could manage to get my heart rate up and get sweaty. Over the last year, I've been exploring new ways to move and how to incorporate this into my regular yoga-heavy lifestyle.

Join me for my first ever venture into teaching some of the HIIT-inspired ways that I move. Zoom link HERE.
Meeting ID: 297-609-902

This is a donation-based class as I will continue to offer, please don't let cost be a deterrent. You can find my PayPal link on the righ-hand side of the screen (if you're on a mobile device, you will need to switch to browser view). Thank you so much for being generous and for coming to connect, I miss your faces!

The playlist I've created for this class can be found HERE, or crank up your favorite booty-shaking music.

See you on your mat, ready to sweat, laugh, and move around.

keeping on


1 comment:

Shoreyr said...

What day is the workout?