Monday, July 27, 2009

superfluous - {austin area photographer}

because sometimes, adding words is just more than is necessary....

one day when I am all grown up...these days I will recall and a smile will grace my lips.

one day when I am all grown up...these days I will recall and a smile will grace my lips.

one day when I am all grown up...these days I will recall and a smile will grace my lips.

one day when I am all grown up...these days I will recall and a smile will grace my lips.

Music musing is "Rave On" by M. Ward (Featuring Zooey Deschanel)



Mom2Mom Ministry said...

How are you feeling?
Hope you are still recovering well and adjusting to your new taller self. My niece gained 2 inches with her surgery.

Summer seems to have flown by here! We're starting school in August (we homeschool).
I need another beach trip!!.

Tonya said...

your evy looks so much like masyn in beautiful...

hope you are feeling well...


nic said...

gorgey; i'm digging the cropping. still praying for you, my sweets. :)

nic said...

iiiiiiiiiiii missssssssss you (i miiiiiiss you-uuuuuuuuuuuu)...hope all is okay with you! i imagine these are busy times in your life, but i will continue to serenade you until you post again! (count your lucky stars this is virtual serenading, haha; the real thing might permanently damage your eardrums.)