Wednesday, December 9, 2009

much to say...

...and hardly the time just now. Also, I lack internet access on a regular basis. I promise that my update and even a few pictures are coming very soon. I'm still alive and for that I am grateful, as well as much my heart swells with gratitude for so many things and I will be back soon to share it!



erin said...

I have missed you and have thought of you often! Would love to catch up!

Kath said...

I was beginning to worry! Long time, no post!! Looking forward to reading your update.


Hana said...

Hi Amelia,
I've been awal around here for a long while but wanted to check in and see how you've been doing since surgery. Baby steps are good. Just thinking about you and wanted to say hey! Have a wonderful Christmas!


Vanessa said...

happy new year, amelia! may it be simply... the best :)

nomi said...

I've been checking for new posts, I've missed my Amelia fix! I hope this year is your best year yet, and that many blessings come your way.