Monday, July 16, 2012

{ post-nominal } - yogini. photographer. mother. austin, tx

In October of 2011 I had a revelation. Within a short time I drastically changed my direction. Investing time, money, and passion I set out to become a registered yoga instructor. On July 7th, 2012 I became Amelia Raun, RYT.

For my final project I wrote about chakra balancing with children and I had a photo shoot with my own girls to illustrate. I'll be candid and confess that the outtake photos are my favorites. I love these wild girls.

chakra mama project

Articulating the changes that have taken place in my life through this experience is difficult. The other students in my training have all changed so much as well and yesterday one graduate and I were musing over that fact. My dharma now is to give back and to be a spark to inspire others to embark on their personal journey. It's scary, exciting, freeing, magnificent, and so vast. It is like waking up from a long nap and knowing an adventure is in store.



Lisa M. said...

Love these pictures! Saw your beautiful girls at church on Sunday, what a treat! They are so big now!

Shari said...

I would love to sit and have some tea with you and chat. :)

Shari said...

I would love to sit, have some tea and chat with you! :)