Sunday, December 16, 2007

Back to the beginning...

I searched around and tried to switch, but in the end, blogger was the freebie for me.

*I will miss my typepad blog though, it was quite lovely to work with and personalize. *sniff*

Thanks for following me along on my journey through the blogosphere!


Today I have decided to sell my lovely camera and try to upgrade. The cost is shocking so I'm not sure it's possible. However, if you are interested in a Canon Rebel XT with a kit lens and a 50mm lens, please email me and let me know!


I will post again soon, I want to take some new pictures and get back into the swing of things on this blog. I'm re-learning and hopefully I can learn some new tricks here! It's been a long time since I have used this, so tips and hints are welcome. Thanks!!

Merry Christmas to you all!


Giabella Designs said...

I, like you, need to have a "free blog". I think yours looks great! I will add you to my links I love, good luck selling your camera! Happy Holidays!

Kim-Flatter Me Fancy said...

Amelia, I followed ya over girl. Can't wait to hear all about your new endeavor;) I know you will do fantastically

My Trendy Tykes said...

I will update the new link!


Queen In My House of Blue said...

Hey girlie!!! I glad you are blogging again!

Wendy said...

well welcome back to "home" can still customize the blogger. Check mine out:)

hugs to new beginnings:)


ENJOY LIFE said...

Welcome back!!! :)

smileytm said...

I have the rebel xt. I would be interested in buying yours for my mother. How much shipping to 41701?
How old is yours and does it work fine?
Teresa Miller, Kentucky

callmelacie said...

Hi and welcome back to blogspot! I read your typepad blog here and there. :) Enjoy your blogging.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Oh, you'll be alright here with the rest of us in the Blogger world. It's not THAT bad.

I wish I had known you were looking to sell your Rebel XT. I just bought one new less than a month ago.

Lisa~ said...

Hey! welcome back lol. so lemme ask you a question, how do you like the canon digital? is it easy to use? i have been thinking about getting the xti and was scared to spend that much on a camera without knowing:)


erin said...

Glad to have you back in the blogging world, you've been missed!

amelia said...

Oh thank you guys so much!!


sunny said...

I too followed you over! :)
have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Glad you will still be blogging :)

bella*tessa said...

Hey, hey, hey! As you can see, you were missed! I look forward to reading about all of your college exploits!

Erin Faye said...

I am totally interested in your camera. Can you please email me the price and the condition. My email is

The new blog look really good!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

So THIS is where you are!! I'll have to update my link.

I agree on the free blog. Sometimes you just have to.

My dad just offered me his Canon Rebel XT yesterday but I don't know if I'll be able to figure it out!