Monday, February 2, 2009

i might never like pink again

January of 2008 I suffered through a case of the chicken pox, it was miserable.
Although my current battle does not compare to that misery, I am miserable on a smaller scale, miserable nonetheless.

I woke up about 1:30 am with a very itchy, oozy, eye.

I managed to dress and feed all three girls and get them off to school, drive to work, and work for one hour.

Then I was sent home.... with what we believe is a case of pink eye. Ugh, it's gross and annoying.

I'm going to the doctor this afternoon, but until then I am just here, struggling to get something done with one good eye and one that is tearing and burning.... and it feels bruised too.

How could they give such a wicked infection such a pretty name as "Pink Eye?"



Lisa~ said...

Natural cure for pink eye is coloidal silver, drop it in the eye gets rid of it in a couple days with no doc fees!

Lisa~ said...

Natural cure for pink eye is coloidal silver, drop it in the eye gets rid of it in a couple days with no doc fees!

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

oh that does sound simply miserable! Enjoy a nice hot compress! Hope it gets better soon.

The Golf Widow said...

No fun. That's one kind of Pink I don't like either!

The Beauty Bargainista said...

uhhh...thats why I call it by its demon name lol conjunctivitis! Or as I have heard it called...come-junk-this-eye-of-us! lol I am so sorry you have to suffer with this! I will be praying that it gets better soon!!!!!

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

Oh sweetie!!! I'm so sorry hun, but I bet you still look beautiful even with a pink oozy eye. :)

Try to rest it as much as you can, warm compresses work great.

Love you!!

Vedrana M. said...

i love your photos! i hope you're feeling better :)