Tuesday, February 9, 2010

{furtive feeding}

Another adventure in my kitchen...

So I guess I haven't really shared on here that I have been juicing a lot since Christmas. I love it, so much goodness in one cup! I have been wanting to bake with the pulp and yesterday I gave it a go.

These muffins are packing kale, strawberries, parsley, grapefruit, and apple!

{healthy treat}

I didn't tell the girls what was in them. They definitely gave me some "lip" when they saw green in the muffins, but I said they were special and just taste. After the taste test, all three agreed they were yummy and finished every crumb. I let them in on the secret...

{healthy treat}

Only Avery was excited to know she had ingested something extremely healthy. Masyn and Evelyn might not trust me again for a while, however...they did ask if I could make the special muffins again for breakfast. Sweet glory.

Today's conquest: Kolaches from scratch. I can report (minus pictures) that they were delicious. I'm feeling so Betty Crocker.



Lisa~ said...

Yesterday I made strawberry banana bread with cream cheese glze and today it was brownies with milkyway pieces hidden inside) yummmmy! I would love to try what you made. love the idea that it is healthy too.

Rachael Wilkins said...

Would really love your muffin recipe (understanding of course that the pulp from juicing will vary). I've wanted to do the same but have not yet tried it. Would you mind sharing?