Sunday, June 14, 2009

brighter times

This week I have been out of the house a few times! It feels bittersweet, because it's so nice to get out, but I do have to take it in small doses because I get sore fast and I get tired very quickly.

All that taken into account wasn't enough to keep me from planning a little picnic with the girls at the park. Sandwiches, sunshine, playtime, and pictures! What more could I ask for?!

Started with food...

{ p i c n i c }

Masyn was ready to eat...

{ p i c n i c }

...but Evy was ready to play!

{ p i c n i c }

{ p i c n i c }

{ p i c n i c }

{ p i c n i c }

After eating and playing and mama snapping several pictures, it was time to pack up and go. I can't wait to be stronger and get on the swings with them. I am definitely on the mend here, thanks for all the prayers and comments!! Still a long way to go, but I begin physical therapy on Tuesday and I think this will help me a great deal. Yay!!



Vanessa said...

good luck with the physical therapy when it begins, amelia!
it's bound to be tough, but i know you'll do great. these pics of your girls are so lovely. there's so much to look forward to!!
hugs xoxox

Anonymous said...

Glad you feel up to a little outing. You are doing great!!! WE are at the beach and my niece is here. Her scar looks amazingly good. My dad's does too. I enjoy catching up with you when you have time and energy to blog.
Blessings in your healing

julie said...

Glad you feel up to a little outing. You are doing great!!! WE are at the beach and my niece is here. Her scar looks amazingly good. My dad's does too. I enjoy catching up with you when you have time and energy to blog.
Blessings in your healing

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

I'm so glad that you are out and about - at least a little. That can help life my own spirits anyday!

Good luck with physical therapy. I only imagine you will be more sore and tired! :(

keep it up girly! :)

Lisa~ said...

Gorgeous pictures. That food looks so yummy! It was great seeing you at church yesterday:) I missed your husbands singing, omgosh that song made me cry the whole time.