Wednesday, November 5, 2008

can't help myself

I love this girl... and not just because she's insanely gorgeous... because she is endearing in every fiber of her being. I love that she has been up 3 times tonight to go to the bathroom, and not once returned to bed without another hug and kiss. I love that she panics when her clothes touch her sister's.

...and after her long day at play, she's still my little beauty.

There was no possible way I could stop myself from sharing this picture tonight, I'm simply overwhelmed right now with how much I cherish my girl Masyn.



Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh. This picture is gorgeous...and the effect you used was perfect. <3

The Beauty Bargainista said...

just beautiful! dont you just love how sweet their little hearts are?!

bella*tessa said...

I think I have her long-lost twin over here (although they LOOK nothing alike)!

Tonya said...

Your Maysn is so beautiful...all your little ones are...

can't help it with a gorgeous momma!



erin said...

Beautiful picture Amelia, she's adorable :)

nic said...

i love that you celebrate each of your children individually, deliberately.

you're a good, good mama.

amelia said...

Thanks everyone!!!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Awww, that's wonderful!
She is beautiful.

Queen In My House of Blue said...

I am in love with her too!!!