I'm asked all the time "how did you chose the name Sweet Feet Boutique?" The story isn't that interesting, really it's not even that clever...I just love feet. I love baby feet, other people's feet (within reason), and my own feet!
Yesterday I was lucky enough to squeeze in a pedicure while the girls took their afternoon nap. I thought I would share how I like to treat my feet right with all of you ~
Step 1: Make coffee
Step 2: Clean (who wants to touch dirty feet??) and soak

Step 3: Get out the goods, lotion, cuticle treatment, clippers, files, buffer (that's my favorite), polish remover to fix mistakes, and essential to a good pedicure is the toe separator.
Step 4: Drink some coffee
Step 5: Polish, not too thick but don't get streaky. It's best to use new nail polish, so I like to buy the cheap ones and toss them after a couple of months.
Step 6: Take a cotton ball and wrap a little bit around an Orange Glo Stick, use this to wipe away the little bits of extra polish that might have happened off the nail.
Step 7: Drink a bit more coffee while you let the coats of polish dry (amount of coats may vary).
Step 8: Rinse your coffee cup, I'm sure it's empty by now.
Step 9: Apply a GOOD top coat, this helps the polish last longer and look nice and shimmery.
Step 10: Sit back and read (or have another cup of coffee) while you let your toes dry!

Wishing you lots of chances to take care of those "Sweet Feet!"